Chatbox Manager Pro, overview.

Chatbox Manager Pro allow you to display multiple WhatsApp buttons on your website.

You are able to add a button inside whole website or inside specific posts/pages/taxonomies page, use 2 different icons and 6 different layouts.

You can also put a WhatsApp button after the content of all contents or after specific posts/pages or insert the shortcode inside the WordPress content.

Please follow these step to configurate properly a new chatbox

1. Go to the plugin settings and open the CHATBOX GENERATOR tab

2. Click on “New Chatbox” button to generate a new chatbox

Below are a list of all available options:

Main options

– Chatbox name , the name of the current chatbox

– WhatsApp number , the WhatsApp number with the country code, for example +393331234567, please follow the official documentation to include properly the phone number

– Text to display , the text of this chatbox

– Pre-filled message , the pre-filled message of this chatbox, if needed you can include these dynamic values.

[v]TITLE[/v] returns the TITLE of current post/page
[v]LINK[/v] returns the URL of current post/page

– Fixed position , the position where you want to place this button, you can add the top, right, bottom and left position, please do not include “px”

– Size , the size of this icon, please do not include “px”

– Icon , the WhatsApp icon for this chatbox

– – Icon 1
– – Icon 2
– – None

– Layout , the layout for this chatbox

– – Layout 1
– – Layout 2
– – Layout 3
– – Layout 4
– – Layout 5

– Chatbox type

– – Floating button, to load a floating button
– – After content, to load the WhatsApp button after the WordPress content
– – Before content, to load the WhatsApp button before the WordPress content

– Device , the device where you want to load this chatbox

– – All, to load the WhatsApp button on all devices
– – Desktop , to load the WhatsApp button only on desktop devices
– – Mobile , to load the WhatsApp button only on smartphone devices
– – Tablet , to load the WhatsApp button only on tablet devices

– Animation , the animation for this chatbox

– – None, to disable the animation a floating button
– – Shaking animation (Horizontal), to enable the horizontal shaking animation
– – Shaking animation (Vertical), to enable the vertical shaking animation

– Homepage, that means that the chatbox will be added on homepage, when it displays your latest posts.

– Search , that means that the chatbox will be added on search result pages.

– Whole website , that means that the chatbox will be added inside all posts, pages, custom posts, categories, tags and custom taxonomies, except the homepage and the search result pages.

Custom posts type

For each chatbox you can include or exclude specific custom post types, our system generate automatically a list of all registered custom post type, that means that our plugin is compatible with all plugins that use a custom post types, like WooCommerce (called product) or Easy Digital Download (called download)

– Custom post match value , that means that you can decide if include or exclude specific custom post types.

– – Include these items , that means that the chatbox will be added inside only the chosen custom post types, you can also type [all] or [All] to include all items.

– – Exclude these items , that means that the chatbox will be added inside all custom post types, except the chosen custom post types.

Custom taxonomies

For each chatbox you can include or exclude specific taxonomies or categories, our system generate automatically a list of all registered taxonomies, that means that our plugin is compatible with all plugins that use a custom taxonomy, like WooCommerce (called Product_cat).

Note that, from this section you can’t include or exclude all custom post types from a specific category or taxonomy.

– Custom post match value , that means that you can decide if include or exclude specific custom post types.

– – Include these items , that means that the chatbox will be added inside only the chosen custom post types, you can also type [all] or [All] to include all items.

– – Exclude these items , that means that the chatbox will be added inside all custom post types, except the chosen custom post types.

Chatbox Manager PRO
Important, the popup chatbox and notification badge are available only with the pro version