If needed, you can use our shortcode [ tiprp ] to display the related posts in a specific position.
- enable_section_title, Enable/disable the section title – on|off
- section_title, Replace the default title “You may be interested”
- posts_array, Enter the ID of each post, separated by a comma
- layout, classic-layout|hero-layout|list-layout|html-list-layout
- columns, 1-column|2-columns|3-columns|4-columns|5-columns
- content_align, left|center|right
- enable_post_title, Enable/disable the post title – on|off
- linkable_post_title, Enable/disable the link on the post title, which redirects to the post – on|off
- enable_featured_image, Enable/disable the featured image – on|off
- linkable_featured_image, Enable/disable the link on the featured image, which redirects to the post – on|off
- enable_post_date, Enable/disable the post date – on|off
- enable_post_author, Enable/disable the post author – on|off
- enable_post_author_label, Enable/disable the post author label – on|off
- post_author_label, Replace the default author label “By”
- linkable_post_author, Enable/disable the link on the post author, which redirects to the author page – on|off
- enable_post_summary, Enable/disable the post summary – on|off
- truncate_content, Truncate long post conten with ellipsis – on|off
- enable_carousel, Enable/disable the carousel – on|off
- enable_carousel_nav, Enable/disable the carousel nav – on|off
- enable_carousel_dots, Enable/disable the carousel dots – on|off
- carousel_auto_height, Adjust the height of carousel items – disabled|visible-items|tallest-item
- target, Set _blank to open the related posts in a new window
- rel, Set the rel attribute for the related posts – dofollow|nofollow
- show_placeholder_image, Enable/disable the placeholder image – on|off
Below an example
[tiprp layout=”hero-layout” posts_array=”9401,9010,9398″ truncate_content=”on”]
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Shortcode Generator
You can use the shortcode generator to easily insert the plugin’s shortcode.
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