You are customizing Errante Pro

      The Customizer allows you to preview changes to your site before publishing them. You can navigate to different pages on your site within the preview. Edit shortcuts are shown for some editable elements. The Customizer is intended for use with non-block themes.

      Documentation on Customizer

        Customizing ▸ Add a Widget

        The search results will be updated as you type.

        Edit Add Active Product Filters

        Active Product Filters


        Display a list of active product filters.
        Edit Add Archives



        A monthly archive of your site’s Posts.
        Edit Add Audio



        Displays an audio player.
        Edit Add Avventura Banner Widget

        Avventura Banner Widget


        Avventura Banner Widget
        Edit Add Avventura Biography Widget

        Avventura Biography Widget


        Avventura Biography Widget
        Edit Add Avventura Category Widget

        Avventura Category Widget


        Avventura Menu Widget
        Edit Add Avventura Contact Info Widget

        Avventura Contact Info Widget


        Avventura Contact Info Widget
        Edit Add Avventura Google Maps Widget

        Avventura Google Maps Widget


        Avventura Google Maps Widget
        Edit Add Avventura Menu Widget

        Avventura Menu Widget


        Avventura Menu Widget
        Edit Add Avventura Newsletter Widget

        Avventura Newsletter Widget


        Avventura Newsletter Widget
        Edit Add Avventura Page Widget

        Avventura Page Widget

        ID pagina, separati da virgole.


        Avventura Page Widget
        Edit Add Avventura Search Widget

        Avventura Search Widget


        Avventura Search Widget
        Edit Add Avventura Slick Slideshow

        Avventura Slick Slideshow


        Avventura Slick Slideshow
        Edit Add Avventura Soundcloud Widget

        Avventura Soundcloud Widget


        Avventura Soundcloud Widget
        Edit Add Avventura Twitter Box

        Avventura Twitter Box


        Avventura Twitter Box
        Edit Add Block



        A widget containing a block.
        Edit Add Calendar



        A calendar of your site’s posts.
        Edit Add Cart



        Display the customer shopping cart.
        Edit Add Categories



        A list or dropdown of categories.
        Edit Add Custom HTML

        Custom HTML


        Arbitrary HTML code.
        Edit Add Filter Products by Attribute

        Filter Products by Attribute


        Display a list of attributes to filter products in your store.
        Edit Add Filter Products by Price

        Filter Products by Price


        Display a slider to filter products in your store by price.
        Edit Add Filter Products by Rating

        Filter Products by Rating


        Display a list of star ratings to filter products in your store.
        Edit Add Image



        Displays an image.
        Edit Add Meta



        Login, RSS, & links.
        Edit Add Pages


        Page IDs, separated by commas.


        A list of your site’s Pages.
        Edit Add Product Categories

        Product Categories


        A list or dropdown of product categories.
        Edit Add Products by Rating list

        Products by Rating list


        A list of your store's top-rated products.
        Edit Add Product Search

        Product Search


        A search form for your store.
        Edit Add Products list

        Products list


        A list of your store's products.
        Edit Add Product Tag Cloud

        Product Tag Cloud


        A cloud of your most used product tags.
        Edit Add Recent Comments

        Recent Comments


        Your site’s most recent comments.
        Edit Add Recently Viewed Products list

        Recently Viewed Products list


        Display a list of a customer's recently viewed products.
        Edit Add Recent Posts

        Recent Posts


        Your site’s most recent Posts.
        Edit Add Recent Product Reviews

        Recent Product Reviews


        Display a list of recent reviews from your store.
        Edit Add RSS



        Entries from any RSS or Atom feed.
        Edit Add Search



        A search form for your site.
        Edit Add Tag Cloud

        Tag Cloud


        A cloud of your most used tags.
        Edit Add Text



        Arbitrary text.
        Edit Add Video



        Displays a video from the media library or from YouTube, Vimeo, or another provider.
        Edit Add WooCommerce Brand Description

        WooCommerce Brand Description


        When viewing a brand archive, show the current brands description.
        Edit Add WooCommerce Brand Layered Nav

        WooCommerce Brand Layered Nav


        Shows brands in a widget which lets you narrow down the list of products when viewing products.
        Edit Add WooCommerce Brand Thumbnails

        WooCommerce Brand Thumbnails


        Show a grid of brand thumbnails.

        No widgets found.

        Customizing ▸ Add Menu Items