To customize Denves Lite, please go to appearance > themes > customize
From this section you can manage the color scheme of Denves Lite
From this section you can manage the page width of Denves Lite
From this section you can manage how to open the sub items of mobile menu
From this section you can manage the general settings of Denves Lite
From this section you can manage the layouts of Denves Lite
From this section you can manage the copyright text and social links
From this section you can enable the featured area and the featured links section
From this section you can manage the settings of featured area slideshow
From this section you can manage the settings of each featured link
From this section you can manage the typography of the logo.
From this section you can manage the typography of the top menu.
From this section you can manage the typography of the menu.
From this section you can manage the typography of the content
From this section you can manage the typography of the headlines
From this section you can manage the settings of WooCommerce.
When you choose YES under Denves Lite Main Settings > Main Settings > Post Format, please follow the instructions below to configure properly these post formats:
Link post format use the post title as link name and the first link on the post content as link, if available, or the post permalink.
Quote post format use the post title as author name and the post content as author quote.
When you choose YES under Denves Lite Main Settings > General Settings > Post Format, please follow the instructions below to configure properly these post formats:
We suggest Poedit, to translate Denves Lite theme. It’s available for free on poedit.net.
Open Poedit, go to File > New from POT file and choose denves-lite.pot , under denves-lite/languages/ and choose your native language.
When you’ve finished, upload bot files with your language code (for example it_IT.po and it_IT.mo ), under the language folder of Denves Lite using a FTP client.
Alternately you can install the free WordPress plugin called Loco translate
I'm a fashion blogger and photographer, from New York
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