How to customize Sheeba theme
Sheeba Main Settings
Color Scheme
From this section you can manage the color scheme of Sheeba
- Body Color Schemes
You can select the color scheme of body alternately, if you set NONE, you will able to choose a custom color going to Appareance > Colors
Page width
From this section you can manage the page width of Sheeba
- Screen greater than 768px
- Screen greater than 992px
- Screen greater than 1200px
Mobile menu
From this section you can manage how to open the sub items of mobile menu
- Clicking on the down arrow
- Clicking on the whole link
General settings
From this section you can manage the general settings of Sheeba
- Enable or disable the orizzontal padding on single content
- Enable or disable the full-width layout
- Enable or disable the sticky header
- Enable or disable the header search button
- Enable or disable the breadcrumb
- Enable or disable the category title
- Enable or disable the searched item
- Enable or disable the back to top button
From this section you can manage the layouts of Sheeba.
- Set a different layout for homepage: full width, left or right sidebar, masonry layout or masonry layout with a left or right sidebar
- Set a different layout for categories: full width, left or right sidebar, masonry layout or masonry layout with a left or right sidebar
- Set a different layout for search result: full width, left or right sidebar, masonry layout or masonry layout with a left or right sidebar
- Set a different layout for portfolio categories result: full width, left or right sidebar, masonry layout or masonry layout with a left or right sidebar
- Set a different layout for the footer widget area
- Set a different layout for the read more button
Global layouts
From this section you can manage the global layouts of this theme.
- Global posts layout, note that: this option won’t change the layout if you already selected an option from the post settings
- Global pages layout, note that: this option won’t change the layout if you already selected an option from the page settings
- Global WooCommerce products layout, note that: this option won’t change the layout if you already selected an option from the product settings
- Global Portfolio Layout, note that: this option won’t change the layout if you already selected an option from the portfolio item settings
Global widget areas
From this section you can manage the global widget areas of this theme.
- Global side widget area, note that: this option won’t change the widget area if you already selected an option from the content settings
- Global top widget area, note that: this option won’t change the widget area if you already selected an option from the content settings
- Global header widget area, note that: this option won’t change the widget area if you already selected an option from the content settings
- Global bottom widget area, note that: this option won’t change the widget area if you already selected an option from the content settings
- Global footer widget area, note that: this option won’t change the widget area if you already selected an option from the content settings
Post elements
From this section you can manage the post elements
- Enable or disable the post categories
- Enable or disable the author name
- Enable or disable the post date
- Enable or disable the author box below the content
- Enable or disable the drop cap
- Enable or disable the post icon
- Enable or disable a different layout for the Aside, Link and Quote posts
- Enable or disable the read more button
Copyright and social links
From this section you can manage the copyright text and social links
- Add the copyright text
- Add the link of all the major social networks
- Enable or disable the feed RSS button
Sheeba Featured Area
Featured area settings
From this section you can enable the featured area and the featured links section
- Enable or disable the featured slideshow
- Enable or disable the featured links section
Slideshow settings
From this section you can manage the settings of featured slideshow
- Enable or disable the filtering of articles to load only the sticky posts on slideshow and all other posts below the slideshow
- Enable or disable the stage padding option to display neighbours items
- Enable or disable the caption overlay
- Set the number of columns
- Select the category of post slideshow
- Choose how many items load on the slideshow
Featured Links
From this section you can manage the settings of each featured link
- Image
you can select an image for each featured link from your WordPress media folder - Title
you can insert a title for each featured link - URL
you can insert the URL for each featured link
Sheeba Typography
From this section you can choose a Google Font for the page body
From this section you can manage the typography of the logo.
- Logo font family
you can choose a Google Font for the logo - Logo font size
You can set the size of logo - Logo description font family
You can choose a Google Font for the logo description - Logo description font size
You can set the size of logo description - Description top margin
You can add a space between the logo and the description - Logo weight
You can choose the font weight for the logo - Text transform
You can display an uppercase logo
From this section you can manage the typography of the menu.
- Menu font family
you can choose a Google Font for the main menu - Menu font size
You can set the size of main menu - Menu weight
You can choose the font weight for the menu - Text transform
You can display an uppercase menu
From this section you can manage the typography of the content
From this section you can manage the typography of the headlines
- Headlines font family
you can choose a Google Font for the headlines - Headlines font size
You can set the size of each headline (h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6) - Headlines weight
You can choose the font weight for the headlines - Headlines transform
You can display an uppercase title
WooCommerce > Sheeba settings
From this section you can manage the settings of WooCommerce.
- Enable or disable the header cart
- Enable or disable the cross sell products on cart page
- Enable or disable the related products on product page
- Enable or disable the up sell products on product page
- Make linkable the product thumbnails on WooCommerce category pages
- Choose the layout of shop page
- Choose the layout of WooCommerce categories

I'm a fashion blogger and photographer, from New York
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