You can use the new shortcode [ ilrc_archives ] to display a list of articles from specific categories and/or post tags.
- categories, insert the ID of each category, separated by a comma
- tags, insert the ID of each tag, separated by a comma
- limit, Set the number of articles you want to display
- orderby, Set how to order the related contents: title|rand|date
- order, Set the order of related contents: asc|desc
- template, Select one of available template: template-1|template-2|template-3|template-4|template-5|template-6|template-7|template-8|template-9
- title, If you set the list parameter to true, you can change the section title
- list, Displays related contents within a container with a descriptive title, the default title is “You may be interested”
- cta, Set the call to action of the related posts
- target, Set _blank to open the related content in a new window or _self to open the related content in the same window
- rel, Set the rel attribute for the related contents: dofollow|nofollow
Below an example
[ilrc_archives categories=”90″ template=”template6-6 cta=”Read also”]
Shortcode Generator
You can use the generator to configure the shortcode